
Bringing Transportation in Sync with the World

By February 17, 2021 One Comment
Transportation, technology

True digital transformation requires the ability to think beyond the next load or the next order to find new and enduring ways to match demand with capacity and connect relevant industry partners. In the transportationtransportation world of today, nearly 30% of trucking capacity sits idle while approximately 20 billion empty highway miles are generated each year. Transportation is a mission-critical industry for the growth of our economy and, as we’ve seen this year, critical to even maintaining our basic standards of living—but it’s also an industry that’s crucially under-served by modern technology.


Transportation can be a highly reactive and slow-moving industry with inefficiencies that are often compounded by destructive bullwhip effects.

It’s an industry with players that make considerable margin by creating and protecting information asymmetries, and players who often base their decision-making on gut feelings, past experiences, and established relationships.

All this is happening in a world that has already moved to a state where sustainability matters more than ever before, where cost and efficiency are important, and competition is fierce.

It’s happening in a world where digitization, the Internet of Things, and broad mobile communication are spreading rapidly. Today’s modern world is a world of transparency and equal opportunities, of Big Data and AI-driven optimization algorithms, of real-time visibility and agility, of seamless information flows and complex networks.


Global manufacturing has faced some of its biggest challenges throughout the last year. Unprecedented demand in some sectors has forced a collective shift in strategy in order to keep pace with the immense changes across the supply chain—mainly in the form of digital transformation.

Many organizations have quickly pivoted to new ways of doing business, but a significant gap still remains between the state of the transportation industry and the world we live in today.

Although the number of manufacturers looking to creatively bridge this gap has never been greater, true digital transformation requires the ability to think beyond the next load or the next order to find new and enduring ways to match fluctuating demand with constrained capacity and begin to connect relevant industry partners in the most efficient ways possible.


True digital transformation means tearing down the walls that keep this industry so out of sync with the modern world.

Digital transformation generates upsides rather than downsides—by creating the perfect backload that benefits both shippers and carriers, by connecting parties through smart interfaces and a powerful platform.

Bringing transportation up to speed with the modern world means simply using available data and building intelligent algorithms that help us make smarter, faster, and more efficient decisions.

By enabling frictionless added-value networks that strive to connect the ideal shipper with the ideal carrier, we can tear down the information walls that keep us out of touch and find new, more efficient ways of working together as an industry.

We can sync transportation up with the modern world by simply enabling everybody in the process chain to collaborate infinitely—without borders, without boundaries—today, tomorrow, and every day.

Read full article at Inbound Logistics

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